Monday, September 17, 2007

Five Day Internet Business Education: FREE Course

Earn while you learn!

I like to learn by doing and making mistakes.

There are so many little mistakes to make that it will take more than five days to perfect these skills.

You can get set up and start feeling your way in five days...that I promise you.

You can wonder why your traffic that you have worked so hard on creating is not converting into sales...that is the next lesson. First you have to learn to set up these web pages and get traffic.


Chris Titan

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Live and Learn...

Simpleology March 30 2007

This is the key-stone to your education...

Saturday, March 10, 2007

To offer a price lower than MAP

NY Report

To offer a price lower than MAP, in place of listing the price on the product’s Web page, put in “Quote.” That will link the customer to an e-mail form that comes up with the product information and a field to enter their e-mail address for a reply e-mail quote. You can then e-mail back their below-MAP quote because e-mail, unlike a website or a print ad, is not an advertising vehicle.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Does Your Knowledge Make You Money


This article should be read my every person who is interested in
the Autopilot Traffic Machine. This article explaines how easy it
is to leverage your knowledge into product you can get paid for.
Ewen Chia and Jo Han Mok give you the blue-print to put this in
action. Chris Titan gives you over $1000.00 in bonus information
that will get you started.

-Chris Titan

Does Your Knowledge Make You Money
By Britt Phillips

Every two seconds someone logs on the Internet for the very first time. Every eleven seconds someone starts a home based business online. And every six seconds someone realizes their dream and becomes a millionaire. So the question is are you getting a piece of this wealth pie?

The amazing thing about the web is that even though it is literally gives away mountains of extremely useful information to solve just about every problem one could possiblt think of, still people would rather pay someone who has done the reseach and compiled the information. This is why ebooks are so popular.

Do a simple Google search on any topic you want and the chances you will find many relevent results are pretty high. People are curious by nature. They want to know more. They don't actually want to do the research however and prefer to simply pay someone who already has.

So how can you make money from the knowledge you have? Well, it's actually quite simple. A great example of how I do it is by doing one-on-one private training or consulting sessions. I use a great piece of online software which lets me host meetings. I give out the site address to allow people to attend the meeting and when they attend they can see everything I'm doing on my computer right on their own computer screen. Next I give them a teleconference number to dial which provides the live audio we need to communicate. And presto I'm in business with a paying customer.

I offer one hour to discuss anything related to Internet Marketing, personal improvement, sales techniques etc. I demonstrate sofware and even cover simple HTML web site design. And people gladly pay me for it. And if you look at it from their perspective it's actually a really good value. They get to spend an hour with someone who can asnwer their live questions and make sure they really understand the subject or topic. They don't have to feel shy about speaking up in front of a group of other people if they were attending a big teleconference or webinar event.

I charge $97. for an hour. And I'm flexible as to the times I'm available for the hour. When I first decided to offer the one-on-one hour my goal was to do just one session per day. And I've pretty much stuck to that. Some times I do as many as three sessions in a day but most of the time I try to stick to just one. However even at just one session a day it quickly ads up over a months time. And you can do the very same thing using the knowledge you have.

There are most likely many things you could be earning money from each day. Do you have graphic skills? Are you good at creating web sites? Do you know how to drive traffic to a web site? Do you know how to get rid of pet urine stains? Do you know an easier way to do a common task? Really what you need to do is take a personal inventory of the things you have knowledge about.

Here's your challenge. Sit down and make a list of 50 things you know about. It doesn't really matter how silly the entries are. Just write down 50 things. Next go back and look closely at the list. Look for things that seem to stand out as unique. Next create another list with only the unique items listed.

After you have your lists it time to let the world know you are willing to share your knowledge for a small fee. You have countrles examples of many who do this daily to earn millions each year. Just don't make the mistake of thinking your ebook for example has to be hundreds of pages. Some of the biggest selling ebooks are 20 pages or less and yet they rake in hundreds of dollars every day!

Remember knowledge equals cash. And the more you are willing to share what you know with others, the more cash you can make.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Britt Phillips is a self-made millionaire and one of the all time top income earners in the history of the Coastal Vacations business opportunity. Britt has been teaching students on his success team for eleven years. Britt devotes the time, energy, and effort into his team and works with them to ensure their success. To contact Britt Phillips call him direct at 804-897-2274 or visit

Article Source:

Monday, January 15, 2007

The Nine Drivers

"Nine Drivers"

Teaches you the fastest, biggest ways to multiply business, increase profits, build massive business wealth with little or no risk, very little time, and suprisingly modest effort.

3 Ways To Change Your Income Strategies Immediately How to Income Your Income Model How to Motivate Your Target Audience to ACT NOW The Opportunities You're Already Paying For But Not Benefiting From
How to Get All you Can Out Of Everything You've Got

Nine Drivers

(Click Image Above)

A Few of Jay Abraham's Secrets

Copyright © 2006-2007 Steven Gerber

People excel in different areas of specialization. And this usually depends on their capability and intelligence. Not all people are born intelligent, or with special gifts. Since the early times, there are quite a number of people with special gifts, like the inventors, the musicians, and so on.

One man who is very well known today because of his exceptional talent and capability is Jay Abraham. He is the CEO and founder of the Abraham Group Incorporated, located in Los Angeles.

He is even considered as America's no.1 marketing wizard because of his ability to boost the success of different business, income, and wealth. Small or big, it doesn"(tm)t really matter. There are a lot of satisfied testimonials of Abraham's superb ability and expertise.

The secret to a business' success are its hidden assets, undervalued possibilities, and overlooked opportunities. And these things can only be identified by Abraham. Aside from this, he can also identify patterns which limit or restrict the growth of a particular business. He can look into a business' marketing approach and effectively tell what is wrong with it. He is able to impart to many business owners the concepts which they can adopt to ensure market competitiveness.

Here are just a few of Jay Abraham's secret to a successful and wealthy business venture:

  • business owners should learn what they really want, and how they want to get things done without holding back; some even go through it all without following the status quo

  • every business encounters certain obstacles and problems, and once you triumph against all this things, you can reach the peak of success

  • always think positive, disregard negative thinking; if you encounter problems, try to look at them as opportunities or a solution

  • the saying 'try and try until you succeed' can do miracles and it's definitely true; giving up easily will not take you anywhere

  • business ethics is very important; never compromise, lower standards, or sell out, take a firm stand in everything you do

  • you must be able to believe and commit, and once you have set a goal or goals, do everything possible to achieve it without stumbling on others

  • you must focus, diversions should not sway you from your goal; focus on accomplishments

  • don"(tm)t be afraid to take risks; if you think you can attain maximum yields and minimum downside, go ahead

  • have no fear; move forward, and take chances

    These are just some of the secrets that Jay Abraham imparted to people and business owner. If you absorb all these things, put it in your mind, then you're ready to make your way to success.

    You can even memorize it if you want. But don"(tm)t let it end there; you must be able to apply it in real life. Incorporate it in all your undertakings.

    Being America's no. 1 genius, he has his very own website. Feel free to visit the site, and perhaps you too can discover the way to success and wealth. Any business undertaking wants to succeed, and if you think Jay Abraham is the answer, go for it.

    Take the chance. And who knows, he's just the person that you're looking for to help you in your business troubles. And perhaps, your success is just around the corner, waiting for you.

    About The Author:

    Steven Gerber is a professional copywriter and marketing consultant with more than 8 years of expertise. He is a prot�g� student of Dan Lok � The World's #1 Website Conversion Expert, and in Steven�s totally biased opinion simply THE BEST. You�ll find the latest internet marketing techniques and tricks at:

    Article Source: thePhantomWriters Article Submission Service

  • Website Traffic Needs A Driver

    First of all, let me dispel the myth that a website can gain huge success and continue to remain productive simply by using an 'auto-pilot' program.

    You know what an 'auto-pilot' program is, right? You see them splashed all over the web. Basically, they're website marketing schemes designed to provide a constant flow of targeted traffic to your website simply by picking a general category, paying some money and away you go.

    The problem is, more often then not, 'auto-pilot' programs are only designed to sell 'auto-pilot' programs.

    This isn't to say that that some of the ideas being offered by these programs don't have any value.

    Every idea, tried and true or unconventional, has a place in your marketing plan and the most important part of a marketing plan is to actually have one.

    Website Traffic Needs A Driver

    If you want your website to be successful, you need to take control of the marketing - you need to be the 'driver' of your website traffic marketing machine.

    There are many different roads you can take with your marketing machine and each of them needs to be understood and explored. One isn't better than the other but rather they have to all work together if you want to draw some serious traffic to your website.

    Simply throwing money at the problem isn't the answer. A wildly successful marketing plan doesn't have to cost much money - if any money at all.

    Consider this:

    Big name companies often throw thousands and thousands of unfocused dollars into their 'generic looking template' websites and get far less traffic than the little guys that have no advertising budget but have great marketing plans.

    Something as simple as signing your emails with your name, a short teaser for your website and your website URL could easily bring you some traffic. Combine this with other simple but effective website promotion ideas and your 'marketing machine' will really start to roll.

    How about this one:

    Create an email with a joke that relates to the theme of your website but 'leave out the punch line'. Next, create a page on your website with the punch line of the joke.

    Put a link in your email to the page on your website with the punch line of the joke and say something like:

    "Please forward this email to your friends - it will make their day! This joke is so funny they'll be crying with laughter!
    Then Click Here == (the link to the page on your website with the rest of the joke) for the rest of this hilarious joke."

    Now, send this email to everyone you can think of.

    Congratulations! You've just created a viral email (not spam)

    Your friends will forward your email to their friends. Their friends will forward your email to their friends and so on. That simple email could bring your website a ton of traffic very quickly.

    The scope of this article isn't to go into the details of the various ways to drive traffic to your website (we'll save them for other articles) but rather to get you to understand that you are the 'driver' of your marketing machine and it's up to you to steer it in the right direction.

    Keep your eyes and ears open. Pay attention to how websites are being promoted to you and soon you'll be coming up with great ideas of your own to skyrocket targeted traffic to your own website.

    For more website traffic ideas visit
    By Mike Jurke
    Published: 1/9/2006

    Affiliate Marketing Courses - Learn and Earn As You Go

    There are a lot of reasons why a career in affiliate marketing would be the ideal way for you to get the most of your life. For some, it’s the increased freedom that comes with being your own boss. For others, it’s the time they can spend at home with their families and loved ones, far away from the boring, dreary 9-5 existence they’ve grown to hate. And of course, there’s always the money to think about. Affiliate marketing has seen exponential growth in the last few years, making it one of the fastest growing industries on the market today.

    But like any industry or new career, you really need to know the ropes before you decide to jump into the ring. That’s why affiliate marketing training courses are so important to the success of your new affiliate marketing career.

    School is In! Are You?

    To really get your hands dirty and learn exactly how affiliate marketing can help you achieve your career goals, you need to go back to school. You need to learn about important topics such as internet marketing and internet search engine basics. You’ll also need to get a handle on how affiliate programs themselves work, where to look for the best and brightest companies to work with, and even how to attract thousands of monthly visitors to your affiliate sites.

    Just how long will all of this take? Probably about 6-12 months. It may sound like a lot of time, but you have to ask yourself – how long did you expect to go to school for? Standard training courses at your local college can run anywhere from 6 months to 4 years, and some go even longer than that! And when you are done in those courses, learning everything you needed to start your new career, you head out into the working world to a boss who may not respect you and a bank account that definitely won’t appreciate you.

    Earn While you Learn!

    With affiliate marketing course and affiliate marketing training, such as James Martell’s proven strategies in his training program, you’ll be able to learn all you need to know in a short amount of time and in the comfort of your home. And you’ll also earn while you learn, since Martell’s system is designed for you to do practical, hands-on training while you are learning about the process.

    That means that while you are learning about how to generate visitors to your websites, you’ll be optimizing the sites you already own to work better. And while you are learning about how content can drive up sales on your site, you’ll be using your own creative talents to spin articles that you can be proud of and will keep the sales coming in.

    There are a couple reasons for this: First of all, it will show you immediately what’s possible if you continue with your studies and learn how to become a proper affiliate marketing expert. Second, most of us could use a little extra cash, right? Earning an additional income while you are learning your new career will help keep you focused and motivate you while you are going through the lessons.

    Finally, in traditional school programs, student are exposed to a practicum, or practical work-based exercise in the field of their choosing. Often these stints working in the field are done under the tutelage of a prospective hiring company and for little or no compensation. It is assumed that the student’s increased understanding of the industry is as good as a wage.

    In a home-based environment like the one in James Martell’s training course, they’ve taken that practical experience a step further by immersing the student in the same work environment they’ll be joining when they are done learning. That would be like learning how to become a world class chef in your own restaurant!

    Be Your Own Boss! Choose your Own Wage!

    It sounds too good to be true, but there are millions of people out there right now who are happy being their own boss and making a comfortable living at the same time. Affiliate marketing is one way that you can join their ranks. It’s an exciting, creative, cutting edge career that has been steadily growing since the inception of the internet, and as the internet grows, so does the affiliate marketing industry.

    It may sound too easy, or it might sound like there is a trick to the process, but the only trick you need to worry about is getting a leg up on the competition by jumping on board a home-based affiliate marketing course.

    Affiliate marketing training isn’t something that should be taken lightly. It is a serious, important first step in becoming a successful affiliate marketing expert. And if you are looking to start your career as a successful affiliate marketer, it’s the only step you should be considering before you begin.

    For more information,

    About The Author

    Bill Schnarr is a successful freelance writer and a seasoned professional providing valuable insight and advice to those looking to work at home. His numerous articles offer real-life tips and techniques for getting the most out of a homebased business.

    Saturday, January 13, 2007

    Ewen Chia Superaffiliate

    One of the first things that pops into mind when the name Ewen Chia comes up is "overdelivery." Who is Ewen Chia? Simply put, Chia is a superaffiliate and internet marketing guru who has made millions online in the past few years. Prior to his success in affiliate marketing, Chia held a job and struggled along online trying to make money, like so many other people before and since.

    There is no question that superaffiliate Ewen Chia, who has sold many thousands of products and services on the net, knows what he is doing, and that he provides some of the best information on the subject of net marketing, in a manner that is almost overkill. In fact, when you purchase one of Ewen's own products about affiliate marketing, you may want to take a deep breath before you download all the material, including many bonuses, onto your computer!

    You should consider what Ewen provides as a college course on affiliate marketing and online money making that is going to take you a while to get through all the materials. Ewen has a blog where you can leave comments about his marketing products, services and advice, and there are various forums where you can discuss Chia's products and services, as well as many others pertaining to the internet marketing field.

    There is a drawback to the information inundation that Ewen Chia provides for the affiliate marketer in exchange for a very modest sum: The sheer volume of it may stymie you from even attempting to use his great marketing stuff. And you might want to consider that fact the next time you are tempted by an offer that includes 101 bonuses. Are these bonuses going to be useful to you and your business, or will they simply end up taking up space on your computer, gathering pixel dust?

    On the other hand, there are few people better to follow than Ewen Chia, if you are really interested in sharpening your skills at internet and affiliate marketing. It may take you longer to make your way through all the material Chia provides, but you will be well prepared afterwards, which is the best way not to lose money - and that is often the first real step in achieving success at internet marketing and online money making. In fact, Ewen is so thorough and on top of it that when I have read or thought about trying this and that other method, program or product, at times I have asked myself, "What would Ewen do?" or "WWED?" Would Ewen Chia try this technique or product? This service? This program? Would he spend his time or consider it a waste?

    So, what would Ewen Chia do if he were either starting out or trying to amp up his affiliate marketing business? He would probably find himself and follow his own example and advice! I do believe that studying Chia's work is a very good thing to do, because he's cut out all of the mistakes he could make - and there are many costly mistakes you can make in this field of net marketing. Ewen's programs and products teaching affiliate marketing and online money making are certainly some of the top of the line, and you can't go wrong paying attention to anything Chia has to offer.

    By: Jamie Clarkson -

    Article Directory:

    Jamie Clarkson has been online since 1995. For more information about Ewen Chia, you can go to

    Thursday, January 11, 2007

    5 Little Known Ways To Generate Free Traffic

    From Copyright 2004 Jo Han Mok
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    Thursday, January 11, 2007

    Most people have the notion that generating traffic is a one-off event, and it involves spending huge sums of money on advertising.

    Nothing can be further from the truth.

    First of all, it's possible to open up streams of autopilot traffic geometrically, surely and steadily over time.

    Secondly, it costs next to nothing to do it, if you know how.

    Here are 5 instantly implementable methods to open up new traffic streams without needing to spend a dime.

    Free Traffic Method #1: Contribute Content

    Writing an ebook is a time consuming and arduous task. In comparison, writing a chapter of rock solid content is much easier and more achievable.

    I've personally been invited to contribute content to many people's info-products, usually in the form of 'chapters', and this has resulted in a lots of quality traffic that is not only free, but presold.

    While I understand that a person who is little known might not receive invitations to contribute, one can always solicit permission for your content to be included by publishers.

    It's all a phone call and email away, and if your content is good and your approach is right, a rejection is unlikely, and even if it happens, it's not gonna kill you, so just tell yourself 'next' and move on.

    Free Traffic Method #2: Give away Free viral Reports

    Put your best content into reports and give it away.

    Articles are great, but when you package them as Portable Document Files, there is a greater "perceived value".

    Give away free reports. Allow people to give away your free report to their visitors. Then, their visitors will also give it away. This will just continue to spread your ad all over the internet.

    Obviously, your reports will have to be 'viral' in order for that to happen.

    The best way to make your reports viral, is to include a monetary incentive.

    The links within the reports can be made brandable, and it'll be to your advantage to find some sort of multi-tier affiliate program that will increase your earnings exponentially, because you make money when the person giving away your reports makes money.

    It's a win win situation, and also allows you to use these magic words "make money by giving this report away".

    Free Traffic Method #3: Help Other Publishers

    It may surprise you, but your own website visitors may be info publishers as well.

    Help them help you by using these magic words, "Use Our Free Content On Your Site Or In Your E-zine" Allow your visitors to use your articles on their own web site or in their e-zine. Just ask them to include your resource box. This will spread your advertising like wildfire all over the internet.

    Free Traffic Method #4: Offer Testimonials

    If you're reading this article, chances are you're an info-junkie. If you've bought lots of info products, why not offer an unsolicited testimonial to the info-product creator?

    Simply include your URL under your name when giving the testimonial, and if it's used, you'll have additional exposure, and traffic.

    Obviously, you'd only give a testimonial to a product that you think has value and is good, and not endorse anything or everything under the sun.

    Testimonials can bring you traffic and top of the mind awareness, so don't underestimate the use of something as simple as this.

    Free Traffic Method #5: Syndicate Your Content

    A word of caution: don't use JavaScript. Why not? Because search engines don't 'see' JavaScript, so JavaScript feeds are useless for SEO. To make newsfeeds visible to search engines, their text has to be embedded into your page.

    FACT: If you view the source of your page and you don't see the actual text of the newsfeed, then search engines aren't going to see it either.

    Intead, do try using Real Simple syndication, or RSS. It's the buzzword on the Internet. RSS is a lightweight XML format designed for sharing things like news headlines and other web page content.

    You have a variety of opportunities for increasing traffic to your website. Publishing your own feed is a great way to cut through all the noise and clutter and get your message directly to your target market. On the other end of the spectrum, importing feeds from other sites or even other parts of your own site and displaying them on your webpages can increase your search engine rankings by automatically keeping your website full of fresh, relevant information

    If you're a little lazy and not too motivated, you'll be glad to know that regardless of what topic or subject matter you've built your website around, there's valuable content out there... articles and information written by an "expert" in that particular field.

    Because a large portion of it is available through the magic of RSS feed capability - YOU don't have to create the content yourself! Yes, you can profit from other people's content.

    There you have it, 5 easy ways to start getting free traffic fast.

    Now, go get it!

    Jo Han Mok is a frequent guest and featured speaker at Internet Marketing bootcamps and conferences on subjects such as copywriting and Joint Venture Marketing. Find out how he can help you flood your website with red hot traffic that is 'primed' to buy at

    Tuesday, January 9, 2007

    Setting Up An Affiliate System

    Setting Up An Affiliate System
    By Mark Kenny

    Article Word Count: 730

    Affiliate programs enable businesses to generate a lot traffic and consequently boost sales through promotion by third party individuals or sites. It is a cost-effective way to advertise your products and services as you dominantly pay for only efforts that turn into sales.

    Setting up an affiliate system can be an easy or overwhelming task depending on how many affiliates you want to recruit, your payment policy, availability of time and the kind of product or service offered.

    When it comes to affiliate systems, there are two options for a business : you can outsource the entire system or run your own customised affiliate system on your web host. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

    If you have a relatively small amount of affiliates to deal with, then you can run your own affiliate software but if you are going to recruit an unspecified or a large number of affiliates, then you may need to outsource. The reason is, you will find it easy to deal with a huge number of sign ups, track payments, manage banners, monitor clicks, among others. The shortcoming is that you will have to pay flat fees or a percentage of sales generated to the company maintaining your system. A self-managed affiliate system will work well if you have a small number of recruits , have the time to answer queries and send out a few checks each month.


    There are several types of affiliate programs you can choose from. There is the pay per sale whereby an individual is paid only if a sale is generated from that affiliate’s link. It’s certainly the least attractive to people unless the product or service is in high demand and the most profitable for businesses. Another type is the pay-per-lead whereby you pay for traffic only. Here the affiliate is paid only if a visitor is generated from the affiliate site. Its attractive to affiliates but costly to website owners because of the possibility of non-converting visits. This type is good for high-sales producing sites as you can pay affiliates from sales generated. Another option is the pay-per-click in which case you only pay if your link is clicked. If you have a site which has a high conversion rate , then this option is ideal for you.

    You can also opt for the tiered system. With single tiers, your affiliates receive a single payment whenever someone refers a client to you and it is ideal for less popular products or services or when you are starting up. In a two-tier programs, an affiliate can receive a percentage of sales generated by an affiliate who signs up from his site and it is profitable for websites with high conversion rates. A variant of this, the multi-tier, offers an affiliate residual income from sub-affiliates who sign up under him and indefinitely. This type is good if you have high sales and can support perpetual payments.


    An important consideration in setting up an affiliate is whether you will approve affiliates manually or automatically. It may be recommendable to start an affiliate program with your established customer sites and progress to new ones. You may have to control the affiliates if you are dealing with pay per click as the quality of visitors will be a factor in sales generation. Manually reviewing also enables you to judge the website or individual affiliates to see if he befits your company status (for example is the site objectionable?) or likely to spam which case may bring you trouble.

    If you use your own affiliate system, then one of your biggest challenge would be how to pay affiliates a percentage of what you receive from customers. In this regard, you can rely on a software such as Affiliateshop( to track and manage recurring commissions.


    So depending on your needs, you can go for an outsourced affiliate system or a self-run type. You may go for an outsourced affiliate system such as Commission Junction( or Linkshare( if you anticipate huge transactions. If you would require credit card processing such an affiliate involving downloadable products like ebooks, then clickbank( may be a good option.

    If you intend to run your own affiliate system, then a popular choice is AssocTRAC which comes with a wide array of support.

    Mark Kenny runs the affiliate program at Trading-Web-Solutions. To join our program or for more details, visit

    Article Source:

    How To Become A Super Affiliate In Niche Markets

    Over the past years, web hosting has grown bigger than it used to be. With more companies getting into this business and finding the many benefits it can give them, the demand for web hosting has never been higher. These seem to be the trend of today

    Read More

    Monday, January 8, 2007



    This interesting idea is likely to drive your competitors nuts.这个有趣的想法可能驾驶你的竞争者坚果.

    It is published purely for its entertainment value.它的出版是纯粹的娱乐价值.

    Some might consider it unethical and even illegal so USE AT YOUR OWN RISK ( We take no responsibility for any conflict, legal or otherwise, that you may get into.)有些人可能认为这样不道德,甚至非法使用自己的风险(我们没有任何冲突的责任,合法与否,那你可以进入).

    Basically, the approach is to choose your most successful competing web sites, especially those that get top 10 listings in search engines, and to create doorway pages using their web site address and names as key words.基本上,你最成功的做法就是选择竞合网站尤其是在搜索引擎获得前10名的上市、并利用其创造门口页网址和名称作为关键词.

    So when people who have previously visited them but cannot remember their exact domain name use search engines to search for them, your page gets displayed beside theirs and diverts traffic away from them.所以当有人曾访问过他们,但不记得确切的域名使用搜寻引擎搜寻他们你旁边一页得到展示自己、挪用交通远离他们.

    To avoid breaking the law, some people suggest avoiding trademark names and not hogging the top spot in the search listings.为了避免违法,有人建议避免名称和商标不是在寻求荒榜列.

    It does seem like a very clever, fun idea but remember:看来就像一个非常聪明,但记住乐趣理念:

    USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!在使用自己的风险!

    About The Author作者简介

    Terence Tan is the founder of , a website dedicated towards the development of Multi Level Affiliate Programs as an alternative system of business.值得注意的是檀hugeaffiliates.com创始人、网站致力发展多层次从属业务系统作为替代方案. Visit to learn how MLAPs can multiply your affiliate referral commissions.访问http://hugeaffiliates.com学会下属mlaps你可以乘介佣金.

    (Please feel free to to freely reproduce and distribute this article, so long as it is reproduced in full, including the hyperlinks, and no modification is made).(请放心地自由复制、散发这篇文章,只要是转载全额包括链接,不作修改).

    Sunday, January 7, 2007

    Probably The Most Powerful Strategy On Planet Earth

    Computers are simply one of the most amazing inventions ever created by man. Because of this invention, many improvements have been made, and it doesn’t end there. The use of the computer was even enhanced with the introduction of the Internet. Communications not only improved at an amazing velocity, but many businesses are using it as a vehicle to vastly increase their profits.

    Network marketing (word of mouth marketing) has already proven itself as one of the best marketing strategies ever created for businesses to market its product. And many big companies have seen huge growth since using network marketing as its main distribution channel.
    What I am going to share with you is what I believe to be the most powerful strategy on planet earth. I believe the next lot of millionaires will probably come from this industry. Those who seize this opportunity and persevere through it will probably be rich beyond their wildest dreams.

    Here it is, the most powerful Strategy on Planet Earth –


    Why it is the most powerful strategy on planet earth –

    There is nothing new under the sun. The wealth Formula will forever remain the same; just that it will have new revelation. In the book written by George Clason, “The richest man in Babylon”, it states that the richest man is one who knew how to leverage the strength of other great individuals.

    That is why a lot of millionaires are created in MLM companies. It’s a business of helping people. The more you help, the richer you get. And most of the leaders are getting richer and richer. It is because they are receiving residual income for the work done by their downline. All of us know that the Internet has created a lot of millionaires in recent times. Because of the speed of information exchange, online businesses are able to market their products to a global audience using their respective strategies. However, it is not known to the masses that these millionaires in the news spend years sharpening their skills on online marketing.

    The time has arrived for an individual with a heart for success. Internet is a level playing field for all human beings. Regardless of your race, language or religion, your work will solely be judged by its quality.

    The Perfect Combination Of Internet And Network Marketing –

    The time has come for the Next revolution of both online marketers and network marketers. We now truly have an amazing vehicle that we can use to get us huge wealth that we never dreamed possible. And most importantly, great wealth can be attained in a much shorter time, which was absolutely impossible to match a decade ago.

    By: Will Toh Kwang Hwee

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    Will Toh is a preeminent internet marketer, with immerse passion in internet MLM and personal Development. Discover the quick and easy guide to your financial freedom. Click here to Download for **FREE** Napoleon Hill’s Famous Think and Grow Rich E-book! ( worth $18.95 Value) Simply Click :

    Thursday, January 4, 2007

    Free Ad Blogs

    Free Ad Blogs are one of the best ways to generate online traffic to your website. There are some factors at work that are not apparent directly on the surface but have a very powerful cumulative effect. Online traffic is essential for the success of any website, commercial or not. Successful online traffic is generally measured by a high ranking during a Google searche, ideally the first page.

    To look at a Free Ad Blog one will wonder if their ad will ever be read at all.

    "To be effective you need to post frequently. Ads that are at the top will be seen, ads that are not on the screen will just stay in cyberspace as orbital debris."

    For Rest of Article

    How to Steal Traffic: Autopilot Traffic Machine


    Stealing traffic is simply when you see how to leverage the momentum a launch has for your personal gain.

    Another way to technically steal traffic is with a squeeze page.

    Capture E-Mail in a Squeeze Box!

    Spare Parts:Autopilot Traffic Machine

    Chris Titan Presents:
    Visual Media
    Squeeze Box Instant Blueprint

    I am getting a better visualization of what this "Autopilot Traffic Machine" would look like if it were an actual machine. It needs a device called a Squeeze Box. The Squeeze box is interesting, it is a HTML script that creates a box where the interested party volunteers their e-mail information to proceed with the sales pitch. Traffic is not only the input of the Autopilot Traffic Machine it is also the output of the machine. The Squeeze box is sort of like a filter of all the traffic or noise that the system processes. Rough traffic goes into the squeeze box and smooth targeted traffic comes out.

    The squeeze box is the tool you use to build your e-mail list which without you will never really make any money with Internet marketing. You must convert rough traffic into smooth traffic and then convert them into sales. The Great Formula by Mark Joyner extends this to converting this sale into another sale, or offering them another glass of what they were thirsty for. It is much easier to sell to a customer the second or third time than it is to make that first sale.

    In the visualization of the "Autopilot Traffic Machine" as an actual machine we also can see how the "feeder sites" are connected to the squeeze page. We have many "feeder sites" extending out in all directions attracting the rough traffic. This traffic is then filtered by the squeeze box into the e-mail list where the real promotion is done. Feeder sites are blogs, social networks, forum posts, and can be many other places. They automatically feed the traffic machine once they have been set up...constantly attracting new traffic to the squeeze box.

    Not only does the squeeze box filter the traffic it also recycles the good traffic back through the machine. We go to the squeeze box to find the targeted prospects. Inside the squeeze box is a device called an autoresponder that keeps sending out messages to this traffic for as long as you choose or they unsubscribe.

    Autoresponders put this process on autopilot. A cycle of e-mail promotions and follow-ups are preprogrammed to be sent as soon as they agree to get more information.

    I tried to hook up the squeeze box html directly to the feeder site and had a big problem. The "feeder sites" that I used would not allow a script.

    If you look closely the "feeder sites" are connected to the money sites, they are connected through the squeeze page. The squeeze page is the sales page that contains the squeeze box. You link the squeeze page to your feeder page. Your feeder page promotes the squeeze page. The squeeze page captures the e-mail in the squeeze box and the autoresponder clicks away and sends out messages at the predetermined frequency. This is Autopilot Traffic Machine as a machine.

    A tsunami of traffic will pick up all sorts of things. When you are able to squeeze out a signal from all the chaos of coming and going of this autopilot traffic is when the connection takes place that allows commerce to happen.

    The squeeze box is the only way that you can insure that someone is willing to hear from you again. It filters out the disinterested party who happened to come along with all the traffic.

    Think about it. Neighbors generally don't like it when there is a lot of traffic, especially like crack-house traffic coming and going at all hours. Distasteful.

    Of course this is like the "Batteries Not Included" flaw of most Internet affiliate programs. You need a Squeeze Box but where do you find one? I have been working on this since I first got started and did not have money to invest in an autoresponder for a list of less than 100 people. I understood that I would have to learn how to generate a list of several thousand leads to make any decent profit for my efforts. I also still strive for it. The larger the list the more opportunities you have to sell to them. A different 2 percent will convert from each campaign. When you have a Nitro Powered Affiliate Machine, the "quality" offers sustain the momentum for a long period. Content is King.

    I have created a short video where I dismantle the very basics of the squeeze box and put it back together part by part, step by step. I have tried to show How to Make a Squeeze Box and place it on your squeeze page.

    We are creating communities who are interested in your information. It is core human values that teach us that we learn more in group cooperation than reinventing the wheel on our own. The commitment of giving a stranger your e-mail is fairly large and the innate trust that we will appreciate the information that they intend to send is crucial. When you build on this trust and come through with info that helps them survive you not only going to profit, but your efforts bring the whole consciousness of humanity up a notch. Evolution has a lot to do with self-sufficiency.

    Wednesday, January 3, 2007

    What is the BUZZ about Autopilot Traffic Engines?

    Shopping – With the dark winter months coming on to remind us of our limitations there seems to be a frantic wave of interest in how to generate internet traffic to increase your business or even to make a little money on the side. What is this phenomenon?

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    Autopilot Traffic Machine Software

    I realized that this is why I can see a simple script that performs a Cron Job as a great new toy. A Cron Job is a Daemon, or process that works in the background. The term comes from Greek mythology.

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    How To Build an Affiliate Program

    Do you want to learn how to manage hundreds of work at home employees? Create your own affiliate network and your are the boss! How do you build an affiliate network according to Jo Han Mok?

    1. Obtain Blueprint for Affiliate Network.
    2. Write and Promote your Affiliate Network.

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