Saturday, January 13, 2007

Ewen Chia Superaffiliate

One of the first things that pops into mind when the name Ewen Chia comes up is "overdelivery." Who is Ewen Chia? Simply put, Chia is a superaffiliate and internet marketing guru who has made millions online in the past few years. Prior to his success in affiliate marketing, Chia held a job and struggled along online trying to make money, like so many other people before and since.

There is no question that superaffiliate Ewen Chia, who has sold many thousands of products and services on the net, knows what he is doing, and that he provides some of the best information on the subject of net marketing, in a manner that is almost overkill. In fact, when you purchase one of Ewen's own products about affiliate marketing, you may want to take a deep breath before you download all the material, including many bonuses, onto your computer!

You should consider what Ewen provides as a college course on affiliate marketing and online money making that is going to take you a while to get through all the materials. Ewen has a blog where you can leave comments about his marketing products, services and advice, and there are various forums where you can discuss Chia's products and services, as well as many others pertaining to the internet marketing field.

There is a drawback to the information inundation that Ewen Chia provides for the affiliate marketer in exchange for a very modest sum: The sheer volume of it may stymie you from even attempting to use his great marketing stuff. And you might want to consider that fact the next time you are tempted by an offer that includes 101 bonuses. Are these bonuses going to be useful to you and your business, or will they simply end up taking up space on your computer, gathering pixel dust?

On the other hand, there are few people better to follow than Ewen Chia, if you are really interested in sharpening your skills at internet and affiliate marketing. It may take you longer to make your way through all the material Chia provides, but you will be well prepared afterwards, which is the best way not to lose money - and that is often the first real step in achieving success at internet marketing and online money making. In fact, Ewen is so thorough and on top of it that when I have read or thought about trying this and that other method, program or product, at times I have asked myself, "What would Ewen do?" or "WWED?" Would Ewen Chia try this technique or product? This service? This program? Would he spend his time or consider it a waste?

So, what would Ewen Chia do if he were either starting out or trying to amp up his affiliate marketing business? He would probably find himself and follow his own example and advice! I do believe that studying Chia's work is a very good thing to do, because he's cut out all of the mistakes he could make - and there are many costly mistakes you can make in this field of net marketing. Ewen's programs and products teaching affiliate marketing and online money making are certainly some of the top of the line, and you can't go wrong paying attention to anything Chia has to offer.

By: Jamie Clarkson -

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Jamie Clarkson has been online since 1995. For more information about Ewen Chia, you can go to

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